As a family, we moved to the Sunshine Coast at the end of 2011, after living in a more rural setting in Australia for about three years. We have never regretted this decision. My son flourished once he had settled down, and forged life-long friendships. He developed a deep love for the ocean, which is not difficult when living near such an exquisite coastline. My husband and I found the move initially challenging, as with any move from a small industrial town to one such as the Sunshine Coast, which is really driven by tourism. But the fact that my husband was transferred within his company made a big difference. And it wasn’t long before we had settled down, found a lovely home, made friends, and discovered a doggie beach that would be any dog’s dreamland. The town has grown unusually quickly, making it a little more difficult to navigate. This was exacerbated by the effects of Covid and the mass exodus from the cities. However, this is not a unique story, and is one that is simply a part of our current reality. The Sunshine Coast is very beautiful. It is home to many tourist attractions and restaurants. There are picturesque islands around that make for awesome getaways and there are mountains, waterfalls and amazing rock formations. It is also the birthplace of the very common Australian saying “fair dinkum”, which was coined here by those of the Kabi Kabi tribe. Living here creates a kind of inner peace and calm. It is a far cry to the trauma and stress that comes with living in other parts of the world. The feeling of serenity and safety is very conducive to the flow that is required at times for authors to write. Of course, a good mix of states of mind is often needed, but there is no denying that living here can take care of many of them.

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