I enjoy my downtime, but I do not get to do it nearly enough. Both hubby and I work long, full days. The alarm goes off at 4:00am for Gavin to start his day, and this has set a trend of waking up early for me too. We both only get home at dinner time. After which, I try and squeeze in some quality moments with the family (dogs and birds included), before putting some effort into my writing, jewellery making, painting, or other projects I have on the go. Between all of that I need to find time for my on-going studies. I know that this is by no means unique to us, and that most people are juggling long hard days that are way too full for comfort. So, it is no surprise that any opportunity to escape it all for a few days is a welcome one. We bought ourselves a little campervan so that we could do just that, on a whim without much need for forethought. If the opportunity arises, we take it. Of course, it does not come around often as our weekends usually include an engagement of some sort, or renovations to do, plus there is the weather to think about. But on the odd occasion that the weather is good, and we have no commitments, we take the opportunity to pack up and head on out. Living on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland makes it very easy to find a suitable place at the last minute. Our hinterland is inviting, and the coastline is full of promise. Our dogs and our birds really do enjoy the outing. By now they have come to know the difference between a weekend away and a drive to the local beach for a walk. Biamba is especially clued up and he knows that when the bags are packed, we are off for a little longer than a drive. His excitement at that point is next level, and it rubs off on the lot of them. We keep our camper stocked with all the basics, so that when we need to go, we just have to pack a few extra things to get the ball rolling. There is nothing like a little countryside or a stretch of beach to put it all right again. I hope you can find the time to get away soon… Here’s to a few days of downtime. Cheers!

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